Monday 4 February 2013

However, if you have HumanaOne through the private market (not through an employer) it excludes normal maternity charges altogether. This means that normal maternity charges don't apply to the deductible. Nothing would be paid at all for normal maternity charges. However, there may be some coverage after the deductible for complications of pregnancy, but that can still leave you with a huge expense.
They have two plans. One covers 80% after you pay a $5,000 deductible, and you pay the other 20%, until you reach a total out of pocket expense of $10,000 between your deductible and 20%. The other plan covers 100% of maternity expenses after you pay a $7,500 deductible.

Assurant's plans are similar to HumanaOne’s plan. It doesn’t cover any normal maternity charges at all, unless there are complications, then there is some limited coverage (with exceptions).

In order to protect yourself against maternity charges, I would highly suggest one of the plans with a  $7,500 deductible. I know that’s a high deductible, but it’s the best maternity coverage offered by private plans in the Utah market when it comes to maternity coverage.

In addition, you can add supplemental health insurance plans (if they are available at the time) to help reimburse yourself for a portion of your wife’s hospital stay.
hey have two plans. One covers 80% after you pay a $5,000 deductible, and you pay the other 20%, until you reach a total out of pocket expense of $10,000 between your deductible and 20%. The other plan covers 100% of maternity expenses after you pay a $7,500 deductible.